tisdag 26 januari 2010

Köpa T10 för Emblem of Frost?

Jag har under längre tid följt en diskussion på tankspot om vilka gear man ska köpa som tank. Och mer eller mindre alla håller med om att det är bättre att köpa non-tier istället för T10 rustningen, som tank alltså.

Nu har det dock blizzard tagit till sig av denna diskussionen som har förts mer än på tankspot och postat en blå post i det amerikanska forumet.

We recognize that many plate tanks are making their gear choices based on the amount of armor they’re provided, as this is currently the most preferred stat. In order to make the tier-10 plate tanking sets more desirable, we will be adjusting the stats on the gloves and chest pieces in order to inflate the amount of armor they provide in the next minor patch. This will apply to all item levels of the tier-10 death knight, warrior, and paladin tanking gloves and chest pieces.

Similar items crafted or purchased with Emblems of Frost will continue to be very good and will compare favorably to all but the Heroic difficulty boss loot, so you shouldn't despair if you recently acquired any of those.
Nu har jag inte sett de nya statsen men jag tror fortfarande jag kommer gå efter non-tier först och sen OM jag kommer till ICC25 heroic så kommer jag ha så pass många frost att jag kommer kunna köpa på mig lite T10, om jag inte haft turen att fått några i VoA innan dess...

The crafted and vendor pieces will still be very good. As some have noted in this thread, it may not be worth the four-piece set bonus to go through collecting that many tier-10 pieces even with this change. That's up to each individual to decide. The only exception to this rule comes into play with the Heroic quality gear. It will be better than the vendor or crafted items, however, obtaining this gear will not be trivial for most players.

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