tisdag 23 februari 2010

Nu kanske även jag kommer in i VoA (PTR 3.3.3)

Äntligen! Det kommer bli ändringar i WG som gör att även alliance kan vinna WG på min hordetäta server. Om detta nerfar själva fighten eller om det blir tråkigare skiter jag i, jag är bara i WG för att komma in i VoA och få mina 4 frost, nu när jag inte behöver mer drops där inne. Eller ja lite t10 till OS skulle väl sitta fint.
Men denna ändringen är välkommen, denna veckan har jag varit online ganska mycket på kvällstid samt en del på dagtid och inte en enda gång har alliancen haft Wintergrasp. Ok att många springer runt som yra höns och inte bryr sig det minsta om taktiken men faktum är att det är allt sjukt många fler hordes där.

In the next minor content patch, we will be making some minor alterations to the way in which the internal balance system for Wintergrasp works in an attempt to better support realms with greater variations in the level of participation between the Alliance and Horde. Since we have never gone into much detail about how this hidden system currently works, we’d like to explain exactly how it will work in the next patch. Keep in mind that, although this information may feel very new to you, the actual changes being made in the patch to the current system are relatively minor. You can view the Patch 3.3.3 Public Test Realm Notes here: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=23329393385&sid=1

Here are the key systems in place behind the hidden Wintergrasp advantages and how they will function in the upcoming patch:

  • There is an internal tug-of-war scale not visible by players which will shift under specific conditions.
  • The scale starts at 0 (neutral) and can move up to 700 points in either direction favoring the Alliance at one end, and Horde at the other.
  • This scale is persistent and does not reset to 0 whenever control of Wintergrasp shifts.
  • If an attacking force captures Wintergrasp Fortress while under the effects of any of the advantages listed below (400-700 points in their favor), the scale tips 100 points in favor of the opposing faction.
  • If a defending force successfully defends Wintergrasp Fortress two battles in a row, the scale tips 100 points in favor of the opposing faction.
  • Each consecutive successful defense after a faction’s first two consecutive defenses will further tip the scale 100 points in favor of the opposing faction.
    • As a quick example, if the scale is at 0 and the Alliance capture Wintergrasp fortress while attacking, the scale will not move. If the Alliance defend Wintergrasp twice in a row after this, the scale will move 100 points in favor of the Horde. Each consecutive defense by the Alliance after this will move the scale 100 points further in favor of the Horde each time, bringing the Horde to 400 points in their favor after one unsuccessful defense and five unsuccessful attacks, a total of six Horde losses in a row.
    • As another example, if the scale is at 400 in favor of the Horde and they capture Wintergrasp fortress while attacking, the scale will move 100 points in favor of the Alliance. If the Horde defend Wintergrasp twice in a row after this, the scale will move 100 points in favor of the Alliance. Each consecutive defense by the Horde after this will move the scale 100 points further in favor of the Alliance each time, bringing the Alliance to 100 points in their favor after one unsuccessful defense and five unsuccessful attacks, a total of six Alliance losses in a row.
  • The following advantages are provided at the beginning of the battle for Wintergrasp whenever these corresponding ranges on the scale have been reached:
    • 0-300: No advantages granted.
    • 400: Faction starts with the Sunken Ring Factory under their control.
    • 500: Faction starts with the Sunken Ring and Broken Temple Factories under their control.
    • 600: Faction starts with the Sunken Ring and Broken Temple Factories under their control and gains access to Catapults after earning 1 kill in battle.
    • 700: Faction starts with the Sunken Ring and Broken Temple Factories under their control and gains access to Catapults, Siege Engines, and Demolishers after earning 1 kill in battle.

Läs alla ändringar här

Ja det är PTR så det är inte säkert att det blir exakt så men... Det är en hel del ändringar och för min del ser jag inte så mycket nackdelar med patchen.

1 kommentarer:

maggels sa...

Verkar vara fina förbättringar i patchen^^ Synes ingame!

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